When the CFR-affiliated Jewish Power Elite saw they would not be able to
stop Zionism and the creation of the state of Israel, they decided they would
'join it,' gain control of it, and destroy it from within. Barry Chamish.
"Sabbatian cults are well documented in the Encyclopedia Judaica and in the
writings of distinguished Israeli academics including the late Professor
Y. Tishbi, Yehuda Liebes and Yaacov Katz. In a nutshell, these groups practised
incest, adultery and homosexuality. They conspired with the Illuminati with
goals of destroying all religions and fusing all nations into one."
9/11: Anyone who knows the properties of
these buildings knows that Al-Qa'ida didn't do it. These buildings were blown
up from within..." Sheikh Abu Hamza the Egyptian, imam of the Finsbury Park
Mosque and a professional engineer.
UN -bias
UN-Watch: Jean Ziegler, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to
He states, for example, that "[t]he building of the security fence/apartheid
wall constitutes a violation of the obligation to respect the right to food
because it does not follow the 1967 border." Similarly off-topic, Ziegler
reports that "if there were no settlements, then there would be no need for
harsh internal
closures.", October
01, 2003
Jonathan Pollard's Yom Kippur Letter to PM Sharon: On the eve of Yom Kippur,
when Heaven reviews and judges our actions, I write to express my extreme
dismay over your designation of our People as a nation of "beggars".
I was absolutely disgusted to learn that during a cabinet discussion about
your recent meeting with President Bush, you explained that you hadn't asked
for my release because "Beggars can't make noise"! J4JP Release - October
2, 2003
Sharon also talked about long-term bridges but didn't discuss this generation
as well, because neither leader sees peace on the horizon. Sharon talked
with me about how history would have been different had he told that Israeli
sharpshooter in Beirut to take the shot and kill Arafat two decades ago.
There was clear disappointment that he ordered the shooter to stand down.,2933,50182,00.html.
By Rita Cosby. Face-to-Face with Arafat and Sharon. Friday, February 21,
Arutz-7 petition comments
Evn P: Arutz-7 is a vital source of news and views that are not tainted by
globalist agendas, ignorance and whitewashing of Muslim aspirations (based
on terrorism), and unrealistic fears and peace premises of Jewish and gentile
Free Masons, Jesuits, leftists, atheists, agnostics, humanists and Hellenists
- Jews of the latter kind are kippa wearing religious leftists, some running
the Israeli Justice system and others, politicians, fighting with the Arabs
for the Arabs.
PvA: Arutz-7 represents the Joshua/Caleb sector of Israeli society that trust
the God of Israel when threatened by opposition in claiming Isaac and Jacob's
inheritance.They don't have the gutzpah to overturn Jehovah's sovereign decision
to settle his returning Jews on the mountains of Israel - they fear Jehovah
more than N. America and Europe.
PvA: Don't silence the voice that tells you, Mr. Prime Minister, that you
don't have the authority to make painful concessions with Jehovah's land;
even to negotiate with Ishmael over his claims of Isaac's inheritance - Exodus
34:12 Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where
you are going, or they will be a snare among you. -- Leviticus. 25:23 The
land must not be sold permanently, because the land is Mine and you are but
aliens and My tenants
"The left-wing in Israel endangers state security." -- Yitzchak Rabin,
Apr. 9, 1991 (Ha'aretz)
Reserve Brig. Gen. Effi Eitam responded to Aloni's
accusations by saying, "One must state the truth and not always make statements
bordering on anti-Semitism, like Shulamit Aloni, who I am glad left the political
and public arena.
Shimon Peres
Lt. Col. Shlomo Baum, who was Sharon's deputy in the legendary 101 unit in
the 50s: "Shimon Peres doesn't care if Israel becomes a heap of ashes,
as long as he - Peres - stands on the top of the heap." Noah's Ark on Rothschild
Blvd. by Moshe Feiglin Sep 25, '03
Peres: "the Palestinians are not the enemy - not formally or in any other
way." October 14, 2003
Ian Buruma in The New York Times. "The Palestinian cause has become the
universal litmus test of liberal credentials." COLUMN ONE By Caroline
Glick: The land of delusion Sep. 19, 2003 The Jerusalem Post
The Housing Ministry has announced tenders for the construction of 323 housing
unit in Yesha (Judea and Samaria) - 180 in Givat Ze'ev, north of Jerusalem,
and another 143 in Karnei Shomron in west-central Shomron. Despite criticism
from left-wing elements such as Peace Now, the Ministry emphasized that the
construction is in accordance with the government's policy of enabling "natural
growth" in the Jewish communities of Yesha. The Yesha Council, which represents
the Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, issued a statement saying,
"It's about time that Peace Now understands that the settlement enterprise
in Yesha is 30 years old, ethical, just, and will never be uprooted."
Interior Minister Avraham Poraz (Shinui), rehashing the same claims against
the Jewish build-up of Yesha that have been heard for decades, said, "This
is a big mistake, one that will place us at odds with the U.S. and the entire
world... We have enough problems as it is with the fence... This is part
of Housing Minister Effie Eitam's irresponsible policies. I hope the Prime
Minister will restrain him." Arutz Sheva News Service
<> Friday, Oct. 24, 2003
I've stopped trying to convince the Left. The Left is not an ideology but
a mental illness. Those who are actually infected by it (and they are few
in number) have little chance of recovery. Rabin and the Sun of Nations.
By Moshe Feiglin. ManhigutEn
<> 03 Nov
Peace Process
"ManhigutEn" <> 17 Sep 2003 Oslo and the WTC
Without September 13th there would have been no September 11th. The Oslo
Agreement was also responsible for the collapse of the WTC twin towers. Without
the despicable handshake between Rabin, Arafat, and Clinton on the 13th of
Sept. 1993, the twin towers would not have collapsed on the 11th of Sept.
It is customary to explain the Oslo Agreement as a peace agreement intended
to end a physical conflict centering around the ownership of a piece of
territory. This is just a smokescreen, but it seems that there is no alternative
for the "cultured" public. Even the attack on the WTC twin towers, in which
there is no territorial dispute in the background, and no war between armies
and nations, was explained by the blind Western way of thinking by means
of old examples of physical conflicts. Such conflicts can be comprehended
from a secular viewpoint, and can be solved using our limited range of concepts.
The Americans needed a country and an army to fight against, and Saddam Hussein
supplied the goods. The Israelis needed a country and an army to make peace
with, so they brought Arafat and invented for him a nation, an army, and
a country.
Both Israel and the US are afraid to confront the truth since they lack the
cultural tools to understand it and therefore to face up to it.
Even more serious, the cultural basis, the basic ethos on which Israel and
the US were founded, is undermined and is liable to collapse if they were
to understand the language used for fight against them. Israel and the
US cannot permit themselves to wage religious wars, because this totally
conflicts with their culture.
MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) staff
member Ezra Dalumi has strong criticism for the "professional 'peace'
bureaucrats, for whom the holy goal of peace has turned into a form of recreation
and employment." Arutz Sheva News Service
<> Thursday, Dec. 4, 2003
"One would think," wrote Dalumi, a contributor to the Hebrew news site NFC,
"that Ami Ayalon, who has his own peace plan with Sari Nusseibeh, would have
accepted the Geneva plan with open arms. But the fact is that Ayalon objects
to it, saying that the Geneva understandings are 'less designed to bring
peace, and more designed to topple the Israeli government and bring the Geneva
initiators to power.'"
cooperating with the enemy
The Geneva agreement formulated by left-wing Israeli politicians Yossi Beilin,
Avraham Burg, Amram Mitzna and others and Yasser Abed Rabbo.
Tourism Minister Benny Elon said that Yossi Beilin is "cooperating with the
enemy" in his attempts to advance this agreement. The agreement,is to be
signed in Geneva. Arutz Sheva News Service
<> Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2003
It will be truly as Charles Krauthammer wrote (Nov.
28, 2003) in the Washington Post - 'not a peace treaty, but a suicide note':
Not satisfied with having given up Israel's soul, Beilin gives up the
body too. He not only returns Israel to its 1967 borders, arbitrary and
indefensible, but he does so without any serious security
Dr. David Bukay of Haifa University's Political Science Department : Geneva
Agreement is a Trojan Horse of Yossi Beilin, and also show the failure of
Israel's government in saying that he is irrelevant."
Asked to elaborate on the Trojan Horse image, Bukay said, "This is not only
Beilin, but Beilinism - a phenomenon that must be studied in the context
of cognitive dissonance. Beilinism is a group of people who don't want to
accept reality; a group for whom there is a great divide between reality
and their values and comprehension of reality; undermining of democracy;
and more.
Sharon Defeatism
"The residents of Yesha (Judea, Samaria and Gaza) feel that Ariel Sharon
has shot them in the back - those who he himself sent to Zionism's front
lines. ... Sharon is like a fool who repeats his folly" - a reference to
Sharon's destruction of the city of Yamit in Sinai in 1982. MK Uri
Ariel (National Union)
IL Facts
Speaking at the opening of a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic
Conference (OIC) in Malaysia today (Thursday), the Malaysian Prime Minister
Mahathir Mohammad urged Moslems to unite against the Jews and against Israel.
However, he said that it should be done by emulating the Jews themselves,
who "survived 2,000 years of pogroms not by hitting back, but by thinking.
They invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy, so that
persecuting them would appear to be wrong, so that they can enjoy equal rights
with others."
While naming Israel as "the enemy allied with most powerful nations," Mohammad
claimed that "the Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight
and die for them.... [T]hey have gained control of the most powerful countries
and they, this tiny community, have become a world power. We cannot fight
them through brawn alone, we must use our brains also." Arutz Sheva News
Service <> Oct. 16, 2003
But we are able differentiate between Medinat Israel
(the State of Israel) and Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel), the eternal
inheritance of the Jewish people. B'SHEVA News Magazine interview with Esther
Pollard by Ofra Lax - April 16, 2003
Giga Information
Group, in a position paper published on Wall Street this past week (July
20, 2002), wrote, "Without Israeli technology, the west will not develop.
Many organizations throughout the world, including the American national
infrastructure, will not survive for long without constant support from the
revolutionary technology coming from Israel."
"I spent two days in Europe and two days in Israel, because there's more
technological innovation in Israel than in the whole of Europe." - Cisco's
Vice President of Technology, quoted in Yediot Acharonot's business magazine,
January 8, 2002 |
"When you hear - and these days you frequently do - that a senior Arab official
is standing trial on charges of corruption - it is reasonable to assume that
this wretched official was not corrupt enough.
Were Arab Regimes to Fight Corruption - The Entire Political Elite Would
End Up in Courts and Prison.
"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state
is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for
our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians,
Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons
do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab
national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian
people' to oppose Zionism.
"For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders,
cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly
demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim
our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine
and Jordan." (PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, March 31, 1977,
interview with the Dutch newspaper Trau.)
For all intents and purposes, the PA is the PLO in new guise, so great is
the power and influence of PLO personnel within the PA. Pearl Herman. A
precis -
From Clandestine Army to Guardians of Terror: The Palestinian Security Forces
and the Second Intifada by Dr. Gal Luft
( Rumors that the PA leader died circulated yesterday, as well
as other reports ranging from tumors, heart attacks, and that he is in good
A report from an Egyptian medical team that visited the career terrorist
in his Ramallah office indicates Arafat did indeed suffer a minor heart attack
recently and requires immediate admission to a hospital.
Oct 09, '03
Father of terror
Three American security guards were killed this morning when a powerful bomb
ripped through an armor-plated car driving in an American convoy in Gaza,
and a fourth American is hospitalized. U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R.,
Florida), Chairperson of the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and Central
Asia, told Foxnews today that Yasser Arafat is in total charge of the terrorist
infrastructure in the Palestinian Authority:
"If he wanted to, he could dismantle the entire terrorist infrastructure
today or this very hour. He has already fired one prime minister, and is
about to fire another, and is in charge of everything that goes on there.
So for him to say that he condemns today's attack is just ridiculous." Arutz
Sheva News Service <> Wednesday, Oct.
15, 2003
" seal of approval for the Israeli-American view that the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not one of a national liberation struggle
against colonial occupation but rather another front in the 'war against
terrorism'. AL-AHRAM WEEKLY 2-8 October '03:"Crossed Roads" - Palestinians
passed the third year of the Intifada this week seeking leadership -- they
didn't find it. Graham Usher reports from Jerusalem"
Muslim Peace
Speaking at the opening of a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic
Conference (OIC) in Malaysia today (Thursday), the Malaysian Prime Minister
Mahathir Mohammad said: [Muslim] peace treaties with the Jews and others,
he reiterated the Moslem view that such treaties are tactical, and are a
prelude to victory, rather than peace: "The Koran tells us that when the
enemy sues for peace we must react positively. True, the treaty offered to
us is not favorable. But we can negotiate. The Prophet did, and in the end
he triumphed."